What tools are available in my tracker?

The main tools in your trackers include editing grade boundaries, adding assessments, downloading the tracker as an XLS file and bulk edit.

Tobi Davis avatar
Written by Tobi Davis
Updated over a week ago

Once you're in your tracker, you'll see the toggle to show one of Tools or Filters

Available tools

from the top menu.

By clicking on either of these, a toolbar will appear from the right hand side and give you access to different functionalities within your tracker:

  1. Assessments, which will take you to a page where you'll be able to create a Published or Customised Assessment for your tracker


    Read this article for more details on how to add a Past Paper or alternatively how to add your own custom tests

  2. Grade Boundaries, which allows you to change the grade boundaries applied throughout your whole tracker:

    Grade boundaries-1

    Read this article to find out more about how to change Grade Boundaries

  3. Tracker, which contains features including:

    • Download, through which you can download the whole tracker view as an Excel (XLS) file

    • Bulk Edit, which allows you to enter data for your students in bulk - this article provides some further info about how you can use Bulk Edit

    • Move Students, where you can easily move specific students to a different class or tracker

    Other features

For more info on how to filter data in your tracker, check out the article linked below:

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