How to edit your class details

Whether you need to edit your class name, teachers, students or optional units, it's all doable in one click.

Tobi Davis avatar
Written by Tobi Davis
Updated over a week ago

Classes can be easily edited to reflect changes that might occur throughout the academic year or to correct simple mistakes. Simply find your class that needs editing and click on the 3 vertically-aligned dots on the right-hand side.

Edit Class

A little menu will then pop-up, allowing you to either Edit or Delete the class selected. Select "Edit" and the page below should appear.

Screenshot 2020-11-09 at 15.41.56

Here you can edit your class name and teacher/s assigned to the class. You can also add or remove students from the class list.

My tracker is displaying the wrong optional units - how can I fix this?

If the class you've selected has optional units that can vary, these will also be editable from this page. Simply untick the units you're not teaching and tick those that you need displayed in your tracker.

Optional Units

Once you click on Edit class at the bottom, your tracker will be updated to display the option units you selected.

The student I'm trying to add doesn't pop up - what's wrong?

If the student you're trying to add to your class is not included in your school's students list, he/she won't be able to be added to the class.

Student not in the list

You'll have to add the student/s to the general students list first, and then you'll be able to add them to your class.
See the article below for guidance on how to add a new student to your school's students list:

This message pops up after I add a student - what have I missed?

This message indicates that you're trying to add one or more students to the current class that are already assigned to another class taking the same qualification. Each student can only sit a qualification once, so the system will prevent you from allocating a student to the same qualification twice. In this case, you'll have to use the "Move students" function. Refer to this article to see how to do this:

Can I change the tracker that my class is assigned to?

Unfortunately, the tracker can't be edited. If your class is attached to the wrong tracker, you can reupload the class attached to the correct tracker and then delete the wrong one.

If you have any further issue, don't hesitate to get in touch through the help desk. You can do this using the little blue button on the bottom right corner of your screen.

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