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How can I download reports for a whole class or year group?
How can I download reports for a whole class or year group?

It's simple to bulk download student reports, making parents evening that little bit easier.

Tobi Davis avatar
Written by Tobi Davis
Updated over a week ago

Whilst you are easily able to download individual student reports from the tracker itself, School Admin and Subject Lead users are able request a zip file of all reports from students in a given class or year group. To do this, find the class you are looking to download reports for from the Tracking page, click the three dots to the right of the Live Tracking button, and select Download Reports | Class. To download these for a year group, instead click the three dots at the top of the tracker set and then Download Reports | Year Group:

Class reports-gif

Alternatively, from your tracker, you can toggle Tools and then click Download Class Reports to achieve the same result.

You'll then immediately receive a confirmation email, before receiving the link to download your reports usually a few minutes later:

Report confirmation

Report confirmation 2

After clicking the link in the second email, you'll be taken to your browser where a download will begin automatically. Your reports will be downloaded as a folder inside a zip file, and then you're all set!

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